It’s a classic moment from the television show, Seinfeld. George Costanza’s father yells the mantra given him by his doctor which is supposed to calm him down and help his blood pressure. But pretty soon everyone on the show is just yelling it, or worse still, muttering it under their breath while they bottle up their frustrations.

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Trying too hard to do anything is the opposite of a serene approach to life, especially relaxing. And even those of us who practice yoga every day can still find ourselves flipping out, occasionally. I got into yoga in the first place because I had a hard time relaxing, and even so, I had a panic attack last weekend. 🤷🏻‍♂️

None of us is perfect and the minute we forget it, our bodies will remind us in a hurry.

The vinyasa flow style of yoga lets our breath teach us what we need, and we try to follow it as though it were our teacher. We don’t try too hard to breathe. But we don’t…not try, either. The best description I’ve heard of a meditative approach is by Andy from, who describes it as “touching a feather on a glass.”  


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