It’s that time again. The days are getting a little longer, and people start saying the word “September”, for some reason. I can hear the school bell ringing, and a little tightness coming into my chest.
It’s back to school yoga time!
I bloody loved school. All you had to do was achieve an A grade in every subject, be popular with everybody, star in the school play, and you were golden. Never mind that death comes for us all and your achievements matter nothing in the greater scheme of things.
It was only after school that I started to think…wait. You mean winning all the prizes actually means…nothing?
And from then on, it was a quick descent into debauchery.
What’s the point of life? Maybe it’s as simple as that bit of sunshine shining in the window as you read this.

Let’s find out together, on the yoga mat?
Click here for my free back to school yoga class!
Love from


P.S. Our CSA STOPPED THIS WEEK. And I know that there are far worse things in the world right now, but sadly, I’ve not gotten over it just yet. So no recipe. Meantime I can recommend my Stanton Street Buddy Olivia Gardlin’s instagram feed. She’s been doing recipes lately. Plus: You should take one of her classes! Until next week…

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