My acupuncturist recommended an Apple Watch to track my sleep, and I love it. Every day it nudges me to stand up a little more, move a little more, and exercise for 30 minutes. You can even share the activity data with a friend and “compete”. I like to think of it as supporting each other!
Some of my bad habits include overworking, self-loathing and self-denial. I smoked for years and when people asked me why, I’d answer: “Because nothing scratches the itch quite the same way.” But yoga is a good habit to get into.
The physical postures, or asana, are part of it. And there are other “limbs” of yoga. They include observances and abstinences, breath control, concentration, meditation, and more. I like the observances and abstinences. Things like purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender. Non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, wise use of energy, and non-greed.
They’re built into the yoga practice and you can take it as far as you want to. I like to start with regular asana practice. And before I know it, I’m considering how I can improve my other habits.
This week’s free yoga class encourages you to think about your habits. You can take it here.
There’s also a ten-minute savasana at the end because rest and recuperation is the best habit to get into.


Love from 


P.S. In the mood for something different? Check out my archive of free yoga classes! 

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