Hi, friend.


Oy. Am I right?
Did anyone else wake up on Monday morning feeling like they’d been in a fight?
I’m a nice boy from a good home. So I’ve never actually been in a proper fight. But I feel like I have been.
I know you can’t believe it. Like, I look sufficiently toxic and my mouth is big enought that it’s like, “Matt MUST have been in a fight.” But that’s probably one for unpacking on the next aisle, “things men think they have to do to prove themselves.”
Like how Donald Trump had to win reelection. Burrrrrn.
Anywayyy the election. As a result, I’ve kept this week’s flow very flow-y. And it has five minutes of feet up the wall for your anxiety, AND a ten-minute savasana.
I actually find ten minutes in savasana to be quite hard. After a few minutes my brain says “MATT.” And I have to be like “BRAIN.” But that’s the point. To push ourselves past what Franz Kafka called “the point of no return.”
Let’s get things under control with this week’s free yoga class.
Love from

p.s. For us New Yorkers I also want to recommend the New York Public Library’s “Shelf Help” service. It’s new. You shoot them an email saying what sort of books you like—I wrote, “I like to read about lonely men in exotic climes”, and then gave them a list of my 20 favorite books. I feel sorry for the poor librarian who got my email. But then they make five book recommendations for you. I just finished the first, Paul Bowles’ “Under the Sheltering Sky” and it was 🤯 mindblowing. So now I want to tell EVERYONE how cool this service is! What a fantastic use of our taxes! 

p.p.s. In the mood for something else? Check out my archive of free yoga classes! There’s something for everyone on there. Namaste! Namaste! 

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