OMG it’s been a stressful couple of weeks. We’re moving apartments the weekend after next, and there’s boxes all over the place. To compound it one of my writing clients moved a major deadline forward two months without any notice last week to…two days before we’re due to move. 

HA. Ha. HAAAA!!! 🤣

When unavoidable stress comes our way, our bodies fill with adrenaline and cortisol, and it gets so that even the little things start to feel like big things. Don’t imagine that because I’m a yoga teacher, I’m immune from freak-outs, either. It’s just that tearing at one’s hair and yelling swears to nobody in particular is hardly terribly helpful.

This week’s yoga class is all about managing stress. 

Stress was probably GREAT when we lived in caves and needed to go hunting. But it turns out that when you need to calm the f__k down and focus on a deadline, there’s some breathing exercises you can do on the mat. 

Click here, and we can both calm down together. 

Seriously, it works, this stuff. And I’m delighted to share it for your benefit. 

Love from,


P.S. What happened to this week’s vegetarian recipe? Honestly, this week, we bought two jars of Rao’s tomato sauce and a bunch of spaghetti. And that’s been dinner taken care of. Yesterday I roasted an eggplant and a fennel bulb at 300 for an hour, and had them with…more Rao’s tomato sauce…and some boiled rice. But it’s not exactly been Gourmet Magazine, over here. I guess some weeks you’ve just got to put your head down and swim for the shore? I’ll meet you there! 🏊🏻‍♂️

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