Physical postures are just part of the yoga. There are seven other “limbs” to the practice. And one of them is “non-attachment,” or “aparigraha” in Sanksrit.
Click here to take my free one-hour yoga class on non-attachment.
When I was training to become a yoga teacher one of my dear classmates suffered a horrible tragedy. Her childhood home burned down, with all her parents’ things in it. She told us she was getting to experience the concept of non-attachment in real time. I couldn’t believe she had the mental toughness to come to class.
Baby photos. Mementoes from your childhood. Board games you’ve played together as a family. And yet, of course, we all leave earthly things behind, eventually. However comforting it is, attachment to material things is in some way what keeps us from realizing the inevitability of that moment. 
Yoga, for me, is about balancing an acceptance of things as they are with an awareness of our desire for them to be different. I’m really proud of this class (*although of course, pride is a form of attachment, itself). And so I hope you might consider taking It on when you’re feeling a little bit too attached to a certain outcome. Or not. 

Thanks for practicing with me. 
Love from,

p.s. HOLY LIBRARY OF FREE YOGA VIDEOS, BATMAN! There are 29 free yoga videos for you to explore at my YouTube playlist here:

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