I moved to Oakland, California, in 2015, for a relationship that didn’t work out. I’d landed a job to make the move, and that didn’t work out so great, either. I started meditating every day. Then Donald Trump got elected.
I guess you could say that things only got better from there. Although I’m not going to attribute the general improvement to the influence of our President.
One of the best things about meditation is it grounds you in your body. It’s what eventually led me to enjoy yoga, actually. But the daily practice—taking time for yourself every day. That’s what helped me the most. Once I found myself enjoying my own company I also found myself able to enjoy being in a relationship with someone who actually liked me. That was a shift.
I started working out on a daily basis with a colleague of mine, Christian. We’d head to the gym at lunch. We drove ourselves pretty hard. The idea, I think, was that if we had to join some sort of organized rebellion to undermine the fascist empire, we’d be ready. But one of the nice things about that friendship was that we also genuinely wanted the other to do well at something. Christian occasionally still comes to my yoga classes online, as he did last week. His presence is a nice connection to my time in Oakland.
I guess what I’d say is: It’s important, at some point, to play the ball where it lies. You might end up in a trap. You might end up behind a tree. I’m using a golfing metaphor. But at some point? You’ve got to just play that fucker. You can’t keep running away.  
I don’t know what’s going to happen in the election next week, and honestly, it might be dreadful. But I do know that worrying about it won’t make it go better. It’s always just important to have confidence in yourself. And that starts with taking a deep breath.
Take my free yoga class to ground yourself in your body, here.

P.S. In the mood for something different? Check out my archive of free yoga classes! And you can forward this email to a friend and they can sign up for free weekly yoga emails here.

P.P.S. I’ve decided I’m gonna put pictures of nice dogs on here every week because I like them. My wife and I call these types of dog “Roger” even though they’re French Bulldogs. And we’d really like a Roger. That is all.

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