Here’s an interesting thing. I’ve been anxious, off and on, the last few weeks, and have found that when you wake up in the middle of the night, it really helps to talk to your inner child.

I’m not saying have a whole conversation. More, realize that there was a version of you in the past that was worried about the future, maybe wasn’t sure it could trust people, and that was nervous. That inner child lives on within all of us. And especially if you’ve been through trauma of some kind, the chances are, that’s the self that wakes you up at 3 a.m. worrying about money or the future, or whatever.

So: Tell your inner child, “it’s alright. You’ve done really well. Everything’s going to be alright and you can relax.”

It might sound a little “out there,” this idea. And sure. It is. But I like to think that there aren’t many of us who wouldn’t benefit from trying it.

I’m picturing a heavyweight boxer doing it the night before a big event, for example, and calming down. This isn’t just for Joni Mitchell. You know?

I’ve also been incorporating this idea into my yoga classes. There’s a “child’s pose” for a reason. But likewise, setting the intention to soothe the inner child at the beginning of a class can be a good way of getting into that mindset. And using a calming essential oil like lavender can also help. I love to be the guy from Croydon recommending lavender oil to calm down. I feel like I just ride roughshod over all the South London stereotypes these days.

Meanwhile, I hope you’re good. Thanks so much to those of you who’ve gotten in touch to say you’ve tried one of my free yoga classes. Check out my archive here! And feel free to send a pal my way. Last week, a friend of mine, James, mentioned he’d been having back and shoulder issues, and that he tried a few of my classes and felt much better. It’s really cool to hear, and I’m so glad I could help.
Yoga’s alright, eh?

Namaste 🙌🏼


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